
Online Programs

Last Time Offer on ALL Online Classes.

Registration for ALL of these classes ends on February 28, 2022.

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Great Round Course
Did you know that the mandalas that you create have a story to tell?

We can learn a lot from our mandalas from the colors, shapes, and symbols that we use and even how these elements are all arranged within the circle.

The Great Round Course is an amazing journey that will awaken your creativity and bring insights about your past and present life events. I carry the lessons that I’ve learned from studying the Great Round into my life. They have been particularly helpful when experiencing the lows in life, when fears take hold, or when I’m in a creative slump.

The biggest takeaway from this course is the realization that cycles of highs and lows are natural and all of the mandala activities that give us a safe place to express our feelings. This course has been a game changer for me and for so many others.

The best part is that you have life time access to this rich and rewarding course. Which means you can take your time to savor each lesson and create as many mandalas that you’d like along the way.

Now available for a limited time as a self-directed course with lifetime access.

Labyrinth Mandala Art Personal Retreat

Awaken your creativity and reflect on your life’s path as you create and “walk” a labyrinth that you create. available on-demand, self-paced

Mandala Drawing I Course 

Ten video lessons get you creating mandalas quickly and successfully. Economically priced too! available on-demand, self-paced

Color I Course

Grow your color confidence in this self-paced course. Part I covers techniques using a wide range of mediums often used my mandala artists. Part II explores classic color combinations. Includes videos, handouts, and gorgeous references. With lifetime access, this series is great to add to your learning library.
available on-demand, self-paced

Introduction to Vision Journals

What’s a Vision Journal?
Think vision board meets journal. It’s a place to dream, brainstorm, and make plans. It’s where you gather inspiration and have sacred conversations with your soul. Vision boards are often created as a one-time activity typically at the beginning of the year. The vision journal is an ongoing process that keeps you connected to your vision. It supports you to go from dreaming to doing.

Your Vision Journal will be your happy place.
We all need a place we can retreat to find inspiration, hope, and joy. Whether you’re actively creating in your journal or flipping through the pages, you’ll return to your vision journal again and again.

Last Time Offer to get this class! Enrollment closes on February 28, 2022.