All posts filed under: community

Sharing Circle 2017

The best way to take your mandala practice to the next level is to show up and create mandalas. That isn’t always easy. Life can be distracting. Inner critics show up. Or, you get stuck drawing the same style of mandala, over and over again. This is where  the Sharing Circle comes in. A mandala practice can be many things… In the Sharing Circle, you’ll make kindred connections with other mandala enthusiasts from around the world who like you are committed to experimenting with the many design possibilities found within the circle.  For some members, exploring the meanings behind their mandalas is fascinating. We share the symbolism, personal associations, and draw out our mandala stories.  Others seek out the relaxing effects of coloring mandalas and enjoy exploring different color combinations and techniques.  Sharing your Art can be scary… But, not in the 100 Mandalas Sharing Circle where you’ll find the friendliest people on the web. It’s a safe place to take risks in your art making and dive deep into your mandala stories. Have a …