All posts filed under: second-feature

Product Review: Art-n-Fly Gel Pens

I recently received a complimentary set of Art-n-Fly gel pens to review. The set of 40 gel pens comes in a plastic container that makes it easy for storage. You’ll see on the right how I store my pens upside down so the ink will flow and collect on the end where the pen tip is. This ensures that the ink will flow smoothly. There were a few pens that needed some encouragement to get the ink flowing but for the post part I was pleased with how the ink flowed in these pens. Note while this canister is convenient for storing the pens in your studio, it isn’t sturdy enough for throwing into your bag. The lid will fly off and the pens will empty out into the bottom of your bag. If you want to travel with these pens, I would put them into another pen case or bag. The set comes with a variety of colors and styles including: metallic, classic, pastel, neon, and glitter. I thought I would give the pastels a …

Hamsa Coloring Book - Free Download

Hamsa Coloring Book

Do you love to color? Our latest coloring book is now available to download for FREE for SHARING CIRCLE MEMBERS! 39 artists from 11 countries and 25 states from the US submitted a hamsa symbol for you to color. This collection has 39 designs and a template for you to complete the collection by drawing the 40th hamsa symbol. About the Hamsa Symbol The hamsa is a familiar symbol of the open palm that traditionally represents protection when the fingers are pointing upward and as a symbol of blessings when the palm is open and the fingers are pointing downward. Since the symbol of the hand is shared among many faiths including Jewish, Muslim, and Christians, the hamsa has become a symbol of peace in the Middle East. Spreading Blessings for Peace and Joy When the participants from our 100 Mandalas Community were asked to create a hamsa coloring page for this project, they were asked to think of YOU the person downloading the coloring book. Imagine people all over the world creating and contributing the art for this …