Free Stuff, Practice
Comments 14

Gratitude Mandalas

One of my favorite practices is to combine my love for words and journal writing with mandalas. Each year during the holidays, I pull out a Flower of Life mandala and fill the shapes with words of appreciation. This year I designed a new mandala that starts with the Flower of Life in the center and surrounded it with border of interlocking semi-circles.


In the center petals, I wrote down the names of the many people who I’m connected to including family, friends, colleagues, and members of my mandala community. You may include names of your mentors, teachers, authors, and artists who inspire you.

Along the outer edge, record words to describe the qualities that you admire and appreciate.

As you fill in the mandala, consider the many ways that you are connected.


Fill some of the shapes with doodles and little drawings. Here I tucked in hearts under each virtue.

A leaf-like pattern was repeated throughout to add detail.


Pull out your favorite coloring supplies and think about each person as you fill in the shapes with color.

May your heart be filled with joy as you color this gratitude mandala.

Download the Gratitude Mandala Activity

Brightest Blessings,

Kathryn Costa

PS – Print a copy and bring it to your Thanksgiving celebration. Invite guests to add their words of appreciation. Together you can create a group gratitude mandala.

This entry was posted in: Free Stuff, Practice


Kathryn Costa is an instigator of soulful and creative living. Her passion can be summed up in three little words: “create and connect.” Kathryn’s programs help people to find clarity, let go of fear, embrace their dreams, and explore their creativity. Kathryn has been an online community developer, teacher, and soulful guide for 12 years. Her unique teaching and coaching style integrates tools and practices from her training in Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching, Soul Coaching, The Virtue’s Project, and Jaguar Path Shamanic Apprenticeship Program.


    • Ha ha ha! Don’t you love it when those little blunders happen. Not to worry. I was able to delete it and I also deleted your follow up message. Thank you for swinging by and taking the time to leave a comment. It is great to know someone is reading my blog! Have a lovely week.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Gaylyn Kaufman says

    What is more powerful than combining gratitude and creativity!
    Gratitude for you and all you contribute to creating a beautiful world to live
    …and dance in!
    So grateful for life and love,



  2. Linda Page says

    Thank you for this. I just printed it out and will work on filling it in soon. A great gift to us. Such a joyful project. Thank you again Kathryn.
    Best wishes,
    Linda Page


  3. susan kolovson says

    I’ll be bringing this mandala to our Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. A few years ago I brought the seed of life mandala and everyone wrote what they were thankful for in the petals. I like the addition of attributes and qualities. Thank you!


  4. cheryl608 says

    Dear Kathryn, 💕
    Thank you for sharing and creating this beautiful, thoughtful gift of this gratitude mandala! And gratitude is indeed a gift, isn’t it? … one that keeps on giving in so many ways.
    Thank you for all the beauty, light, creativity and inspiration that you bring to the world.
    Love and Bright Blessings,
    Cheryl 💜


    • Thank you Cheryl! There is a Harvard study that says the effects of a gratitude practice can last 6 months. Who knew? What I do know, is that when I’m feeling filled up with joy from my gratitude practice, it has a positive impact on everyone I come in contact with.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fantastic! I remember when you brought the Seed of Life mandala. I too like how it takes it up a notch by adding the virtues/attributes. I look forward to seeing your filled in mandala.


  6. Richard Schulz says

    Thank you for the the gratitude activity. It is so easy too take for granted our blessings. Deep down I know I’m grateful but haven’t been taking the time to acknowledge the abundant gifts (grouping it all without savoring them individually)The mandala is perfect for consciously reflecting all we have. Thank you again!


    • Hi Richard, Thanks for your note. I’m so glad you enjoyed the gratitude mandala activity. I like journal activities that direct us to focus and don’t involve a lot of writing. It is a good alternative or supplemental activity to traditional journal writing exercises. Gratitude has made a huge difference in how I engage in my life. I just came home from a beautiful retreat in Hawaii and my “high” could have been spoiled by a kitchen that is in total chaos as the ceiling gets repaired. I rolled up my sleeves and cheerfully got to work on the clean up. I found myself blessing every inch. May your days grow in joy and cheer.


  7. Oh my, Kathryn! Clearly this is another God-moment! I do a broadcast on my Gratitude Addict FB page Facebook Live on Wednesday nights. My next episode starts in less than an hour and tonight’s topic?
    Connection and GRATITUDE!

    (I swear…you can’t make this stuff up!)


    • I love when synchronicity strikes! It is a nod that we are exactly where we are meant to be! Send me a link to your page. I’d love to see what you are up to.


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