
Take the Challenge

Mandala Collection

What is the 100 Mandalas Challenge?

Create 100 mandalas in 100 days. The goal here is to get creative every day and to discover the possibilities found within a simple circle. These 100 days don’t have to be consecutive. You can jump into this challenge at any time and if you stray with the busyness of life, you are always welcome to pick back up where you left off.

For me the commitment has deepened my art practice and helped me to access deeper parts of me in ways that no amount of conversation has in the past. As a ‘mentor/coach/counselor’ I sing the praises of ‘mandala practice’ as a safe and profound tool in the opening process.

~ Karen Schweitzer

“Kathryn, You got the hidden talent out which was buried deep within me. Thank you for everything!”

~ Dr. Shazia Azmi

How to Participate

Start drawing mandalas! You are welcome to create your mandalas using any medium that pleases you. This is a personal challenge. There is no official registration or sign up process. Make your mandalas, keep track of the days, and share your mandalas with us in a way that feels right for you.

“I am loving the newsletters and your website. I have learned so much and am excited to see what is to come. It has been a great journey so far.”

~ Brandy

I’m new to making mandalas. How do I get started?

Welcome to the wonderful world of mandala making. Here are a few links to get you started:

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Kathryn Costa is an instigator of soulful and creative living. Her passion can be summed up in three little words: “create and connect.” Kathryn’s programs help people to find clarity, let go of fear, embrace their dreams, and explore their creativity. Kathryn has been an online community developer, teacher, and soulful guide for 12 years. Her unique teaching and coaching style integrates tools and practices from her training in Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching, Soul Coaching, The Virtue’s Project, and Jaguar Path Shamanic Apprenticeship Program.