About Kathryn Costa

Kathryn Costa

Note from Kathryn:

When I started the 100 Mandalas Challenge, it was first and foremost a personal challenge. I wanted to see if I could create 100 mandalas in 100 days. I knew if I did, I would learn a lot about myself along the way. You see, each mandala that you create is a reflection of who you are in the moment that you create it. I was curious to explore this internal landscape of ideas, feelings, and stories. I love to work intuitively and visually to see what emerges and then sit back to reflect on it. With each mandala, I’ve come away learning something about myself and the relationships in my life.

At the time I launched the challenge, I thought it would be fun to invite my friends online to join me. Within a year, over a 1,000 new friends from all over the world have taken up the challenge. It is exciting to see how mandalas appeal to everyone from all ages and all regions of the world. It is truly a global movement.

Over the years, I’ve discovered that creating mandalas is much more than making pretty pictures. Making mandalas is a deeply relaxing and healing practice. I’ve seen how a regular mandala practice has helped participants to work through challenging times in their lives including:

  • experiencing the loss of loved ones and the grieving process
  • coping with depression and anxiety
  • receiving a scary diagnosis or living with a chronic illness
  • working through difficult relationships
  • navigating life transitions
  • contemplating big decisions

MandalaGuidebook_250My book, “The Mandala Guidebook: How to Draw, Paint, and Color Mandalas” from North Light Books is now available. The book is packed with projects ranging from how to draw a mandala to working with mixed media and other mediums to exploring the many design possibilities. It is the first book to get when looking for an art instruction book on how to create mandalas.

If you are new here, you are not too late to start your own 100 mandalas challenge and explore the many ways to create mandalas. I guarantee you’ll discover some things about yourself in the process.

Thank you all for sharing this delightful journey!

Kathryn Costa

The Official Bio:

Kathryn Costa

Kathryn Costa is an artist, writer and educator whose passion can be summed up in three little words, “create and connect.” Since she started blogging in 2008, Kathryn has inspired people from 175 countries with her personal stories and artwork. Kathryn’s workshops help people to find clarity, let go of fear, embrace their dreams and explore their creativity. In October 2014, Kathryn decided to challenge herself to create 100 mandalas in 100 days and invited her friends online to join her. Within a year, the 100 Mandalas Challenge and Community has quickly grown to include thousands of mandala enthusiasts from all over the world. Kathryn is the author of “The Mandala Guidebook: How to Draw, Paint and Color Expressive Mandala Art” published by North Light Books.  When Kathryn isn’t creating mandalas, she enjoys art journaling, collage, mixed media, photography and Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging). She lives in New England with her two cats. To learn more, visit 100mandalas.com.

Order Kathryn Costa’s book, “The Mandala Guidebook: How to Draw, Paint, and Color Expressive Mandala Art”

SEE ALSO: Publications, Recognitions, and Interviews


  1. Pingback: 1st Friday: Celebrating Inspirational Women on the Web | Zodiac Arts

  2. caitrianna says

    Is it too late to join the 100 Mandala Challenge from September 2015? Cathy


  3. Sammy A. Ruffin says

    I love mandalas. I am a 12 year old boy who goes to mural arts that draws and does murals


  4. Cynthia Barnett says

    Hey Kathryn,
    I am most excited to discover you , your book and your website. I have been making mandalas for the last 2-3 years, but your book has given me so many new ideas. However, whenever I try to access your mandala sharing page, I get an error message. Can you please fix that or tell me what I am doing wrong?
    Thank you, Cynthia Barnett


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